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Sony TC-K777

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Sony TC k777

By Alguno, 19. September 2022, 11:09.
Busco alguien en Madrid para mantenimiento de pletina Sony TC k777

TC-K777 as part of a stereo set

By CKhifi, 15. July 2024, 18:07.
Hi all, I have a working stereo set that consists of:

TA-AX6 amplifier
ST-JX5 tuner
TX-K777 cassette deck
PS-X600 turntable

I want to sell it as a complete set for a reasonable price, but not expensive because 1. I like make someone happy and 2. I need the space in my house.

My idea would be to set the price at $ 1,500,- What do you think?

Appreciate your response, Kurt

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