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Sansui AUX501

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Sansui AUX 501

By Jon.1, 26. December 2023, 14:12.
I'm very new to the AUX 501 era of Sansui. I grew up listening to a Sansui 881 with a Sansui SR 525 turntable. By the mid 80s I was in high school and had started putting together my own hifi starting with a Pioneer 60 watt integrated amp. By this time Sansui had disappeared from all our local hifi shops and was well on its way to meeting its ultimate fate as a failed company. I do know that the AU-X models and a few examples from the latter part of the 80's were its last standouts before the failure of the company. Anyone with some knowledge of Sansui AUX 501, AUX 701, AU 301 .... etc. would be great to hear from. I currently own a Sansui AU 2900 integrated if anyone is interested to hear my opinions of that model.

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