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Ortofon MC 30 Super

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Ortofon MC 30 Super vs Ortofon MC 20 Super

By Kenneth Wessen, 4. September 2020, 14:09.
Hello! I'm owner of a Thorens TD 126 MkIII with a SME 3009 tonearm and a Ortofon MC 20 Super cartridge. My question: I have been offered to buy an Ortofon MC 30 Super cartridge. Will I notice any significant improvment with this cartridge? Thank You for your advice and opinion! //Kenneth

By maximus, 21. September 2020, 16:09.
Well, the MC 30 super is a very nice cart. The frequency response is tilted a bit toward bright with a bump in he top and a not so heavy bottom end. The motor magnet is very strong, so watch out if you use an iron platter on your Thorens.

If the wear and tear shape of the 20 and 30 are comparable, I am not sure it will be a gigantic step up for you.

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