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Lyngdorf TDAI-1120

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Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 vs. the Naim Uniti Atom

By Michael HS, 13. January 2023, 17:01.
I purchased the Graham ls 6 speakers (my first speakers) ( 8 ohms; 87 db’s; recommended amplifier power 50 -150 watts) primarily for their rich midrange. As for an amplifier, I am debating purchasing the Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 for its ability to retain the speaker’s own sound vs. the Naim Uniti Atom which Iaffects the sound but itself has a very rich midrange. I will only be using my system for streaming directly from the streaming services, and ease of operation (I am older) is critical. I assume both have sufficient power to drive these speakers. Any thoughts, please?